Sunday, April 5, 2009

Currently obsessed with...

having a candy buffet at the at-home-reception! Possibly instead of dessert, possibly in conjunction with dessert as a favor guests can choose for themselves. Found a candy buffet specialist located in south jersey. Here is a pic from one of her photo galleries.

I changed the mood board (again)

It will be fun to look back at this blog after our wedding and see how drastically things changed from beginning to end. But then again, that's why this blog is about the EVOLUTION of our wedding. :)

I can't wait to register!

Here are two things I would definitely put on it right now: luggage and china. Yeah, that's right--china. If you never thought I would care about (let alone fall in love with) dinnerware, don't worry, I didn't think I would care either. But, turns out I do! I think the rolling duffel on the luggage we like has been discontinued though, so that kind of sucks. But we won't officially register for a while, so maybe we'll find something we like even better by then.